West LA College, July 1999

Featured Right to Left: Scott Peer, John Cazin, Randal Fuller, Jeff Schonzeit, Darren Lott, Dave Rogers, Sean Mallard , Sean's Friend, (not pictured - David Harris)

The event took place on Sophomore Hill. It was first Buttboard race at West LA College.

Scott Peer invited the Buttboarders to join with the Westwood Ski Club Slalom Practice. People came from all around. Notably, Davids Harris came from Placerville CA (8 hrs) to pick up a board and get a quick lesson, Randal come from Palo Alto (8 hrs) and Jeff Schonzeit came from Las Vegas.

Butboarders took off all at once and played "Follow the Leader" though the In-Line slalom course. The first few riders would make the turns until about 25 mph, and then cones went flying everywhere!

Rather than throwing the Buttboarders off the course for wrecking the cones, the Westwood In-Liners kept picking up the cones, offering rides and even sharing homemade cookies with the radical Buttboarders!

The course ends after an abrupt braking 90 degree turn. Scott Peer named the turn "Cazin Corner" after slamming John Cazin into the curb when they both slid too wide at the finish.

Racing took a super duper mass format but the final rider is unimportant. The Champion of the event was Scott Peer, who was responsible for establishing West LA College as the next gathering spot for American Buttboarders.

Randal declared it a historic event. "Like the first surfers meeting at Rincon. This is an epic moment in the sport."

Darren Lott ©2000